Me… and the couch!!!

one week today….  and almost to the exact time we were saying goodbye…

I’m sitting here reading through Mr. Magoo’s blog and I said to myself… “hey… self..” 

there is a picture of your sweetie asleep on the couch with the pups… 

there is a picture of your son on the couch too.. 

and.. even my daughter.. 

but.. hey…. where am I????

So.. in honor of my handsome guy… my sweet boy who is tearing up the bridge… I thought I would share…. the dreaded sleeping couch… starring… ME!!!!  and my furbabies…

(who says my animals are spoiled??  huh?)  Frankie still has all his four legs in the one with the four of us…and ok.. I’m not really sleeping.. Maggie and I are watching a movie. Franklin and Diesel are sleeping…

but he is a tri in the one of him and I sharing our blanket..


2009 05 09 Jan 17 2013 (1)