2 years……..wow…..

2 years have flown by…. 2 years ago yesterday was Franklin’s amputation…. which means I have been part of this community in Tripawd land for a little over that…

I go back to the very first post that I wrote… November 22nd…..  and I chuckle….   I was so uneducated… I knew nothing… I sit and shake my head at myself.. why did I wait two months ffs!!!!!????   I was stupid.  *sigh*

I read that thread that Michelle posted about this morning…  which linked the facebook post  “On Losing a Dog”…   and that one line has stuck with me…

A dog can’t change the world, but they can change your world!

OMG.. how true is that…. it just hits home….  you could see everybody’s lightbulbs going on above their head.. BINGO!!!!   That’s it!!!

just like the saying.. two legs move your body, four legs move your soul.….   BINGO!!!!

I can close my eyes, open my heart and remember buddy…..  I remember

how I worried about you…

how I missed you because I was out of town and my sweetie had to go get you….

how I smiled when I heard you were doing okay and glad to be home…

Oh how I miss you….


I loved the way you changed my world sweet boy….
