Almost over….

It’s over.. almost over.. the holiday season.  I haven’t been here the last few days because it has hurt.  I keep looking at all the pictures of “Christmas ‘ Past”  that I posted in the previous blog.  Although they bring smiles when I look at them, they bring tears and a longing that I wish I could fix.  He was terribly missed this Christmas… especially by my sweetie.

Went to make coffee Christmas morning and he pulled down my mug with Franklin’s picture on it..  and burst into tears…   that’s why I love him.

My kids.. Jordan and Moon Boy, got him a garden stone… which.. made him burst into tears again….   no explanation needed!


You certainly are buddy… in and on our hearts…



You were missed lying in the wrapping paper this year sweet boy… and the pig ears were not the same today.  I hope you had lots of treats on Christmas Day sweetie…  I sent you lots of love from my heart!

nov dec 2005 057


Merry Christmas sweet boy….. ♥♥♥♥♥