It’s been a while!!!!  I have missed everyone.. and have much reading to catch up on in the blogs and forums…   I promise I will catch up.. I need to be in the “knowing what is going on ” mode!

I stayed away a little while over Christmas as we were off work for 2 weeks.  It was hard… It was sad. .. We had our ups and downs as it was our first without our Mr. Magoo.  We missed him…   still do.. always will. I can’t believe on the 15th of this month it has been 8 months since you ran for the bridge dude…   Love you handsome boy.. always will!!  

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So our time off was spent spoiling our two doggers with our heavenly presence!!!!  We have made some discoveries, some good and some bad… 

Good discoveries are…….

Maggie loves to chase basket balls!!!  So does Wilson.. and they will do this for hours and hours…  great exercise!!




I have a stealth mode dog.. he can camoflauge himself just like a ninja!  Unforutnatley, this is not good for the un-suspecting twigs and branches of trees!!



Wilson.. is a goofball.. and loves to hog the bed….  how can you not want to cuddle with a mug like this??




Bad discoveries are…..

Wilson is a stick killer.. doesn’t matter if they are still attached to the trees.. he attacks them, breaks them off and crunches them up.  I fear for the new twigs at Springtime!!



I have ordered a boot for Maggie’s paw.  The one that has the cycst on her pad.  With the snow and ice over the last few weeks, I have noticed that her “cycst” has become raw.. and it bleeds when we are out playing in the snow.  I do not walk my dogs on the sidewalk due to the ice and salt  so we tend to stick to the meadows and trails.

But…  the rough snow and ice is causing her discomfort.  I have been bandaging and keeping it clean and not going to play in the snow with her for the last week till the boot comes in…   We shall see how it reacts but I think a trip to the vets is due very soon…

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Years.. and I am off to read blogs and forums and catch up on news… welcome new tripawds, and maybe (hopefully not if you know what I mean) shed a tear or two and share some heartache  with members of our families here in the Tripawd world.

Bark atcha later!