Good Night sweet boy….




Good night my sweet boy… I hope you are snoozing curled up with Diesel under a beautiful clear midnight black sky, full of stars shining down on you while you breathe easily and snore on a comfy bed, big enough for any of your friends you have made at the Bridge to curl up with you if they want to.  You deserve it.

Almost 5 months have passed since you left us and we are coming up to a few first anniversaries..  amputation day, coming home day, Christmas, New Years and many more to follow…

I miss you… I see you every day in my computer screen pictures… I walk past you every day on the dresser in the bedroom.  Sometimes I jingle your collar with my eyes closed and I smile cause I can make it sound like you are just coming around the corner from the kitchen…

I will always love you Mr. Magoo…   You were very special to me and taught me many things.  I’m so blessed to have you in my heart. ♥ xo

2013 04 27 (21)