Less than 48 hours….

I sit here.. and I cry…

My Franklin is ok… don’t worry…   Nothing is wrong that way!  I just have waves of emotion on…..  Am I doing the right thing?  What is he going to think when he wakes up?  Will he be ok with this decision?  Will he miss tap-dancing?  I know that I certainly will… lol  just an emotional rollercoaster that I sure everyone understands.

He was not called in early due to the short staffing of the vet… but he is ok.  He has actually been very happy go lucky!  We have kept him from any aggressive squirrel patrol and kept all his food before 6pm just in case we did get that call.  Well.. we never got that call and he is scheduled for amputation surgery on Tuesday morning.

I was able to get him into his groomer tomorrow morning for a doggie spa day! Lori absolutely LOVES Franklin… he is her favourite springer!!  She gives him lots of attention and is going to pamper him big time tomorrow.   He will look so handsome for his operation!!

Well.. I have to admit.. I have had my moments where I break out into tears.  I have never gone to this extreme with a pup of mine… my two springers before have gone to rainbow bridge due to cancer, yet a different kind.  One had brain cancer and the other’s legs gave out and had cancer in his abdomen.  They were both just over 12 when it happened to the two of them..  But a leg amputation???  wow.   I don’t know if I have prepared my self for this emotionally.  wow…  my poor pup.

I have read all over this wonderful site, and cried with so many stories of success.. and passings to Rainbow Bridge.. but…  am I prepared?  I hope so..   I sure do hope so..

It seems that things seem to be different below the border with canine cancer.  I have tried to educate myself in reading the stories here and trying to figure out why some pups have had chemo and radiation with osteosarcoma?   Please forgive my ignorance here, I certainly am not experienced in this type of thing.. lol

Obviously, there must be different levels?  Franklin’s is in his front left knee and x-rays show that he is good everywhere else.  Hence.. he amputation.  I asked my vet about radiation or chemo after the operation and he said there is no need to.  Is it because of the location of his cancer?  The fact that it has not spread?  I will certainly be asking my vet this on Tuesday.

I did ask him about the drug for the Phantom leg pain… he has heard of it but advised that he would not be severing the nerve that would cause that.  I’m not a doctor, and I do trust him as he has been very good with all sorts of animals that I know of.  I have friends who take their horses to this vet, as well as other friends who take their dogs and kitties..

Needless to say..  my Frank’n’farter goes in on Tuesday.  He should be home on Thursday (crossing fingers that everything goes ok) and I am not even going to be home!!  Now, the guilt is setting in here as I have a 4 days craft show to attend with my home soap making business.  It’s one of the best craft shows that I do at Christmas time.. and will certainly end up helping to pay for Frankie’s surgery.  My hubby has told me not to give it up.. but I am now feeling guilty with leaving the responsibility of picking up Franklin from the vet to my hubby.  He cries more than I do sometimes!!! lol

Yet.. I know that Franklin will be in good hands with my sweetie.. and for the first few days I am sure that he will not be toooo active.

We have started to be prepared.. built a ramp from the dining room down into the addition for Franklin, (stapled a carpet onto it so he does not slip either), built benches for the water and food dishes to sit on so that they are raised up for Frankie.  My Maggie must think she is being spoiled too!!  lol

We have figured out that we are going to confine Frankie to the TV room,  his dog bed will be in there.. and my hubby will sleep on the couch…  I have even put more foam into his doggie bed so that it is firmer for him.

Our biggest concern it to prevent Maggie from licking Franklin.  She is very motherly and when he had a cyst on his back, she keep cleaning it!  Well… I might have a solution.  We have a “thunder jacket” for Franklin that we used when he had that cyst removed last year.  It is a jersey type material and breathable…  depending on whether or not he is bandaged, I thought of maybe putting that on him because it will cover the incision area.  Of course, it all depends on  incision, any weeping, etc.  I wouldn’t just put it on if it was going to stick to the incision.

Anyhow… the learning continues…

bark ‘atcha later



Author: Christine

I'm Canadian eh? living in Southwestern Ontario. My crew consists of my sweetie Fred, my son (25yrs) and my daughter (22yrs) as well as our 4 legged kids, Maggie (12yrs) and Wilson (1year). Franklin was my sweet boy who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in September 2012. His leg was amputated on December 4, 2012. He was the cutest tripawd on this planet. He was happy every day. His tail was always wagging. Lung Mets took him from us on May 15, 2013. Rainbow bridge became a happier place with his arrival. We miss him terribly everyday. We lost our kitty in September 2012. Diesel, who was 18 1/2 years old when he passed at home, was (and still is) the Godfather. He is missed terribly by all. They are curled up together sleeping at the bridge under the stars, happy to be sleeping buddies again.

One thought on “Less than 48 hours….”

  1. I know it’s hard not to cry, that’s a people thing. But once you see how Frankie adapts to this new life situation, you will smile instead, and wonder why you were ever so scared.

    You’re doing great, you’ve had all this time to prepare and things will be fine, you’ll see! As for going to the craft fair, I know it will be hard to be away from him so soon afterward but humans really need the breathing space after something so emotionally draining. You’ll feel great knowing that you’re working hard to pay his vet bills, and when you come home your reunion will be so sweet.

    Hang in there, and remember we’re here for you!

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