New life with a Tripawd!

Well… it has been 6 days since Franklin’s operation.. and I have to say.,. my doggers is doing AMAZING!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, I was at a 4 day craft show out of town from Thursday till Sunday so my sweetie was the one to go get him from the vet hospital on Thursday by himself.

Here’s a summary of what has happened:

Day 1 – Tues   Franklin had his surgery obviously and he did very well!  Was doped up most of the day but slept peacefully, heart was good, breathing was good.  He stayed at the hospital that night.

Day 2 –  Wed   Franklin was up, and went outside to pee and poop!  He was still a bit dopey, but did eat and drink.  Was sleeping on and off due to pain meds but was doing very very well!

Day 3 – Thurs    Franklin could come home!  He has eaten again, peed and pooped again.. although they could not confirm if he farted.  Lol  My sweetie picked him up and brought him home.  Our other Springer was very happy to see him… he is all bandaged up but the tail is waggin!  I think he is happy to be home!  My sweetie will sleep in the room with him through the night.

Day 4 – Fri    He has been getting the 3 legged stride down pat…   Our worst part is Maggie who is so exciteable knocking the poor guy off balance.  It hasn’t happened yet but we have come close a few times.  Have been taking him out to pee on a leash.. but he has not pooped yet at home.  His appetite is good, and he is on pain meds in the morning and antibiotics.  We have kept him confined in our TV room which is 10×10 with his dog bed and water dish.   He climbed up on the couch by himself when my sweetie went to the bathroom!!!!  Geesh!   Sweetie is grumpy from sleeping on couch… lol

Day 5 – Sat   He’s getting antsy in the tv room  – he wants to come out into the kitchen to be with my sweetie while he is prepping dinner, etc..   Still going outside to pee, etc.  but has not pooped yet.  :O(  I got home at 7pm that night.. and he heard my voice and started woofing…   very excited to see me.. and me excited to see him!!  He was rolling ground on the ground between my feet.. happy puppy!  I freaked out worrying he was doing damage !!!  yikes!    I took him outside on his leash.. and let him off the leash on the lawn.. and he pooped!  Obviously my doggers is not a leash pooper!  That night.. we took him into the bedroom which is where they normally sleep on their beds beside our bed.   He woke early, restless and needed to go out to relieve himself.  After that, he curled up again and slept.

Day 6 –Sun    He’s getting happier by the day.. big grin and tail a waggin!  Had to go the my last day at the craft show, but I got home by 8pm that night.  He has snuggled on the couch with us for a bit… with help to get down so that he doesn’t do that on his own… slept through the night in the bedroom on his bed..  taking his pain meds and antibiotics  like a good pup.  I can confirm that he HAS farted!

My son thought he would be funny and ask him to shake a paw for a treat.  Do you know he sat up on his haunches to give him his one paw!!??  Amazing dawg…   just freaking amazing!!!

Day 7 – Mon   Went to the vet’s to get his bandages changed.  Vet is very pleased with his progress… says the incision, etc looks good, healing well and is clean!  He said to continue what we are doing.  Not to let him have the full run of the house yet, still confine him but he can come out for little visits.    He has to go back on Thursday to get the bandages changed.. and his stitches will come out on Monday!

Pretty doggone good if you ask me!!!

Author: Christine

I'm Canadian eh? living in Southwestern Ontario. My crew consists of my sweetie Fred, my son (25yrs) and my daughter (22yrs) as well as our 4 legged kids, Maggie (12yrs) and Wilson (1year). Franklin was my sweet boy who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in September 2012. His leg was amputated on December 4, 2012. He was the cutest tripawd on this planet. He was happy every day. His tail was always wagging. Lung Mets took him from us on May 15, 2013. Rainbow bridge became a happier place with his arrival. We miss him terribly everyday. We lost our kitty in September 2012. Diesel, who was 18 1/2 years old when he passed at home, was (and still is) the Godfather. He is missed terribly by all. They are curled up together sleeping at the bridge under the stars, happy to be sleeping buddies again.

2 thoughts on “New life with a Tripawd!”

  1. Well Franklin Farter

    I’m so pleased with such a wonderful account of how well Franklin is doing 🙂

    Also very relieved that having his Leg removed has NOT stopped him Farting !!

    I was exactly the same way with Fizzly and her NOT Pooping but like Franklin when she was allowed to go where she normally went then she pooped instantly Cow Bag !!!

    Loved the shaking paw act maybe take that on a Talent show he will make you famous 🙂

    I’m just so happy that Franklin is showing us all how age is a number and you can teach an Older Dog new tricks !!!

    The other dog will know that she has to be careful around Franklin so they may look like they are about to crash but I’m sure they will be fine 🙂

    My own lil sweetie always stays on the couch when we have puppies so I know how that can cause the occasional Grumpiness !! that too will fade 😛

    Give Farter kisses from Wales

    talk to you soon lots of love
    zena and Fizzly in Spirit xoxox

  2. Seriously doggone good! This day-by-day account is wonderful, and a sign to pawrents new on this journey that there is hope after surgery.

    You’ll have to get a photo of him doing the treat trick!

    Oh and I hope you did great at the craft sale! What kind of things do you make?

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