What Cancer Cannot Do……………




Cancer is so limited

It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot destroy peace
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot suppress memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot steal eternal life
It cannot conquer your spirit.


Missing you my handsome man………………  ♥♥♥♥♥

Author: Christine

I'm Canadian eh? living in Southwestern Ontario. My crew consists of my sweetie Fred, my son (25yrs) and my daughter (22yrs) as well as our 4 legged kids, Maggie (12yrs) and Wilson (1year). Franklin was my sweet boy who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in September 2012. His leg was amputated on December 4, 2012. He was the cutest tripawd on this planet. He was happy every day. His tail was always wagging. Lung Mets took him from us on May 15, 2013. Rainbow bridge became a happier place with his arrival. We miss him terribly everyday. We lost our kitty in September 2012. Diesel, who was 18 1/2 years old when he passed at home, was (and still is) the Godfather. He is missed terribly by all. They are curled up together sleeping at the bridge under the stars, happy to be sleeping buddies again.

2 thoughts on “What Cancer Cannot Do……………”

  1. Goosey bumbly all over! Sooooo beautiful! So true! This needs to be embedded (ha! I’m using a comuter term…maybe?) somewhere on this site……I guess I’m really looking for the phrase “link to that”….

    You are the ‘real deal Christine. Through your own grief you contin ue to reach out to others. Such compassin.

    And I do so strongly believe this is another way Frank n’ farter stays connected to you. I know he is guiding you. You just look in to the photos and see his eyes just _speak” to you. His eyes are clearly the window to his soul.

    His eyes also could communicate, “Pig ears mom, give me more pig ears! No….that’s too little…..give me that big one!! Yeah, that one!!”

    Thank you Christine…..for being you.

    Love Sally and Happ Hannah

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