Back in time… to 2005!!

Found a whole bunch of pictures today from when we first adopted Franklin….  They brought many smiles…  and warm memories.

Here is a funny story…. I’m going to take you back to almost 8 years ago!!

I saw online that there was a 6 year old Springer Spaniel at the Cambridge SPCA.  Cambridge is about 15 minutes north of us so we decided to go check him out.  Apparently, Franklin’s owners had turned him over to find a new home because they had a baby and did not have time for him.  When we took Maggie up to meet Franklin at the SPCA, we went out into the fenced in yard where you could see the dog loose, inter-act, etc.  Maggie was with us of course because I wanted to see how they acted with each other.  Well, Franklin being the goofy guy that he is.. was running around and he would body slam into Maggie with his side..  Maggie was not too impressed with this and started to hide behind us..   We chaulked it up to the fact that the guy was in the SPCA pen and not out much and just was so ahppy to be out that he was releasing his energy.  Once he calmed down, the two of them sniffed and kind of ignored each other but did wander around the yard for a bit.

We told them that we were going home (as it was the end of the day) and that we would talk about it overnight and let them know.  The next morning, the SPCA sent me an email saying that if we wanted Franklin, he was ours.  Since we already had a Springer, we knew what were were in for.  LOL  So.. we decided yes.. let’s go get him.

My daughter and I drove up to the SPCA to get him.  He was very happy and on his best behaviour… until we hit the reception area.  He saw a cat.. and chased after him.  “Well now.. this poses a bit of a problem, ” I said..  “becauseeeeeeeeee we have a senior cat at home, Diesel who has seniority.. and if he chases after my cat the way he did that one.. I will not be impressed.  He will be coming back here and I expect my money back!”  They agreed to do it (normally you do not get refunds from the SPCA) but they did say that this cat was the one that walks up and down the rows between the dogs cages and teases them.  So… in Franklin’s world.. he was getting the last word in!!!  lol

Franklin loved to lie on the stairs.. he had his own style…

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We brought Franklin home on November 20, 2005.. and this is how he was after living with us  two weeks!

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Another week.. and our furry friend Diesel joined the picture…

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Yes.. that is Diesel.. using two dogs for a pillow!!  What a crazy cat!!

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This was our first Christmas with Franklin…. he got a brand new ball..  for the first month.. he didn’t know what a toy was.. didn’t even play with them or look at them…

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He used to lie right in the middle of things.. right in the middle of the wrapping paper pile!!

I think he was waiting for his stocking… !!

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Our first Christmas together.. December 2005


doggie xmas


I will miss you at Christmas this year buddy… just won’t be the same.  

bark atch later!

Author: Christine

I'm Canadian eh? living in Southwestern Ontario. My crew consists of my sweetie Fred, my son (25yrs) and my daughter (22yrs) as well as our 4 legged kids, Maggie (12yrs) and Wilson (1year). Franklin was my sweet boy who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in September 2012. His leg was amputated on December 4, 2012. He was the cutest tripawd on this planet. He was happy every day. His tail was always wagging. Lung Mets took him from us on May 15, 2013. Rainbow bridge became a happier place with his arrival. We miss him terribly everyday. We lost our kitty in September 2012. Diesel, who was 18 1/2 years old when he passed at home, was (and still is) the Godfather. He is missed terribly by all. They are curled up together sleeping at the bridge under the stars, happy to be sleeping buddies again.

5 thoughts on “Back in time… to 2005!!”

  1. What a wnerful colledtion of memories. Each picture says so muchabout what a character he is! And I love the relatinship ne developed with Diesel and Maggie…quite touching.

    I remember ne of his “stair poses” from before…..these really show what a graceful up he is. A laying on jpis Christmas stocking I kow he was counting on pig ears from Santa!

    That ooto of the two of them at Christams…….have you cnsidered turning that into a Christmas card? It’s a BEAUTIFUL photograph. Currier and Ives would love to have that in their collection! That has to be one of my favorites…..lovely, just lovely.

    Thank you or sharing a tid bit n the “beginning and how he picked you!! He did ya’ know!

    The banner piture up top is adorable too! Man oh man! Those eyese!! Melting over here!

    Hugs and love to all!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Christine-

    Thanks for sharing this special part of Franklin’s life. Love those pictures! What a happy dog!

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  3. Franklin is so cute! I can see how he won your heart so quickly. I love the pictures of the two of them on the bed together. They look so content and happy with each other, even with your cat! What joy these precious beings bring into our lives. It is so real and so true!

    With love,

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