I only have three words to say…………

2013 05 15 (7) ears 5 snow pawprints P1070954




I miss you……..



Author: Christine

I'm Canadian eh? living in Southwestern Ontario. My crew consists of my sweetie Fred, my son (25yrs) and my daughter (22yrs) as well as our 4 legged kids, Maggie (12yrs) and Wilson (1year). Franklin was my sweet boy who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in September 2012. His leg was amputated on December 4, 2012. He was the cutest tripawd on this planet. He was happy every day. His tail was always wagging. Lung Mets took him from us on May 15, 2013. Rainbow bridge became a happier place with his arrival. We miss him terribly everyday. We lost our kitty in September 2012. Diesel, who was 18 1/2 years old when he passed at home, was (and still is) the Godfather. He is missed terribly by all. They are curled up together sleeping at the bridge under the stars, happy to be sleeping buddies again.

5 thoughts on “I only have three words to say…………”

  1. I am in tears here!!! I know exactly how you are feeling. Sometimes, it just hurts, no actually, it always hurts, just more some days than others. I just love the picture of Franklin with his ears flying. You can so see his essence in this image. I was having a moment yesterday where more than anything else in this world, I just wanted to cuddle up and hug Ty and just bury my face in his neck like I used to. My husband used to say, ” he just always smells like TY” Only another dog person would get that. How different dogs have different smells. Not sure why I am rambling on, just wanted to send you a hug and let you know that you are in my thoughts. Love from, Lori and TY

  2. Oh yeah, we get it Lori.

    Franklin was such a superstar here and we miss him too. And we are so grateful to Christine for staying here and keeping Franklin’s inspiring legacy of joy, bravery and happiness alive. Franklin’s life is still making a huge difference in the lives of everyone here!

    Yes, these pictures capture so many aspects of Franklin’s personality so well! I love the “mowhawks” on his ears! And those soulful eyes…..speaking voulumes.

    Love to you Christine…Maggie and Mr. Wilson too…and Fred!!

  3. Chris,
    I totally get this. It doesn’t matter that we have our other furbabies there are just days that we miss them terribly. I totally get it. Franklin is always in your heart no matter what. Does that help?? Truthfully some. But it doesn’t help the heart ache. Totally get it. But Franklin still makes a huge difference in our lives here.

    You make a huge difference in our lives. Let us help you on days like these.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

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