Short and Sweet

I’m going to make this short and sweet..

I took my Franklin to the vet today to have this cough checked out..  Yea.. I know I’ve been talking about it for a bit now saying that he has a lazy tongue… and that it couldn’t be mets because he is not wheezing, etc when he is breathing, running, whatever…

Well.. it just goes to show that not all symptoms are the same….   My Franklin’s lungs are full of that f&*king cancer….   my heart is breaking…..

He could have a month.. he could have a few weeks… only he knows..   only I will know when the tail stops wagging on a daily basis..

until then… I’ll be kinda busy with my dawg….

bark atcha later…….

Dec 2 2012 04

Author: Christine

I'm Canadian eh? living in Southwestern Ontario. My crew consists of my sweetie Fred, my son (25yrs) and my daughter (22yrs) as well as our 4 legged kids, Maggie (12yrs) and Wilson (1year). Franklin was my sweet boy who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in September 2012. His leg was amputated on December 4, 2012. He was the cutest tripawd on this planet. He was happy every day. His tail was always wagging. Lung Mets took him from us on May 15, 2013. Rainbow bridge became a happier place with his arrival. We miss him terribly everyday. We lost our kitty in September 2012. Diesel, who was 18 1/2 years old when he passed at home, was (and still is) the Godfather. He is missed terribly by all. They are curled up together sleeping at the bridge under the stars, happy to be sleeping buddies again.

12 thoughts on “Short and Sweet”

  1. D#%:%$€#mn that piece of crap disease. It sure doesn’t know who it’s messing with though when it tries to mess with Frank n’ Farter! Frank is a strong boy feeling great and enjoying life! So take that you pile of crap!

    I can only imagine how your head is spinning ow and how your heart is breaking.

    When you can catch your breath, please go to a post by Simba that Jerry replied to. PLEASE READ IT OVER AND OVER and take it I to your being and know it to be true.

    You know we are all here with you….we are all your extended family understanding, as best anyone can, your fear and heartbreak. We are by our side helping in any way we can.

    Right now Frank n’ Farter doesn’t care about any stupid stay!! He just wants his next treat and next belly rub!

    Surrounding you with love,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Christine, this is really breaking my heart to read. As I’ve told you before, yours was the first blog and your forum posts I started to read on here (after Fang’s) because Franklin’s surgery was just one week before Jill’s. You gave me so many laughs and much comfort as I was preparing to go through the same thing.

    Please know I am here for you (you know I’m always in that chat room) if you need to talk. You never know what the days ahead will bring. I am sending you so many hugs and lots of strength. Give that Farting Franklin lots of hugs and kisses from me.


    1. awwww Erica.. thank you… and thank you to everyone else for your kind words.. and your many hugs and vibes across the screen. They are all well received and cherished…

      I had such high hopes that this guy of mine would not go through this in his lungs.. but I am grateful for the months and snuggles we have had. My emotions come in waves.. anger.. sadness.. loss… knowing what is coming… I was hoping that the cancer would just stay the f&*k away.. and let him go as nature allowed him.. of old age…

      I know he’s 14.. but I think if he didn’t have the “c” he probably would have lived for another year or so…

      My vet recommended Benalyn DM frorhis cough.. it seems to help him. And I still have some Rimadyl left from his prescriptions for his bad knee and his operation.. as well as Metacam. I’ll monitor his pain and make him comfey..

      I vow I won’t let him hang on for my own selfishness.. but that is so hard.. so very hard.. But he knows.. the day he tells me its time.. we go. I almost wish I could just wake up one morning and find him curled up in his bed.. in his comfy zone with his paw over his nose already left for Rainbow Bridge… I would know that he went peacefully and running at full gait!!

  3. And just wanted to add….again when you can catch your breath and calm that kick in your gut down……..

    As you know, and I’m not just saying this, there are so many options you can still pursue and I know others will chime in with specifics. Complimentary therapy as well as conventional.

    Continuing to surround you with love and calm and here by your side every step of the way,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4. Christine I am so so sorry. 🙁 CANCER SUCKS it really really does. I am not looking forward to the day that I get that news either. We already know the mets are there. Hugs to you & Franklin. Enjoy him as much as you can and give him lots & lots of love from Sassy & I


  5. I am so sorry to read this. Many of us know that hurt when the diagnosis is made. Be sure to talk to your vet about options to keep Franklin comfortable. Zeus had a lung met at the time of diagnosis and we decided to amputate anyway. During the following ten months, through many sets of x-rays we were encouraged that the single met did not multiply and barely grew. We were gutted when he became very sick and an ultrasound showed huge tumors in his abdomen. Our vet gave Prednisone and that helped tremendously during those final weeks. Many wishes to you for strength during this difficult time.

  6. That news is really *#_)@*&! I am so sorry that it turned out to be lung mets. Take care of that happy guy and hang in there, we are all thinking of you two.

  7. I’m so sorry to hear this news about Franklin. But, like you said yourself, only Franklin knows how much time is left. I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to think about the amount of time. Just take it day to day, because that’s the way Franklin lives, and it works pretty darn well. He loves you, and besides food and playing, that’s probably all he really cares about. So be with him and give him whatever he wants. Try not to be too sad now; you will have plenty of time for that later. Right now, Franklin’s tail is wagging for his mama!

  8. 🙁 That is such sad, hard news. I wish you and Franklin didn’t have to go through this. Enjoy your time together. I know you probably can’t help being sad, but try and absorb Franklin’s wags

  9. Damnit! Damnit! I’m so sorry. But, hey, it’s possible he’ll tolerate those mets just fine. Meet Sassy! There could be much more ahead for you and Franklin. I know, that may not comfort you now, so in the meantime: loads of HUGS. It’s a path we’ve read and will experience so many times. *&%#ing cancer is right.
    ~ Katy

  10. Christine, I’m so sorry. This just breaks my heart.

    It’s so hard not to be angry at what is happening. But try to remember, that’s cancer trying to win at this game. Stay focused on Franklin’s good days and cancer will never steal them away from you. Easier said I know. It’s a terrible way to test your own resilience, unlike Franklin who is probably just going on living life day to day as always right?

    Go, play, enjoy every second, and know that we send our love to you. We are here if you want to vent.

  11. Crappy stuff! So sad to hear this news. Enjoy each moment with Franklin and those will help you through the harder moments. Give it your best Franklin – we’ve got your back.

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