Next Step?

It has been a long week.  I cry every day at one point.. a wave comes over me and I wish I can hold my sweet boys face just one more time.  But, it is getting easier.  It does get easier, sometimes it takes a while, sometimes you just cry so much in the beginning that you are cried out.   Now when a few tears flow, it is usually involved with a smile.

My Maggie is lost…. She wanders..  I had her outside in the backyard on Friday while we were cleaning out our pond and she picked up one of Franklin’s squeaky toys and wandered into the house holding it in her mouth.  After about 5 minutes she came back outside with it still in her mouth.  She’s looking for him.

Thursday night was terrible.  You wonder what goes on in these furbabies minds.  She was lying on her bed on my side of the bed.. I patted my bed and said.. “Come on Maggie.. wanna snuggle?”  She got up, ignored me, walked around my bed.. and went over to Franklin’s bed.  She laid down on it and whined.

Well of course, you know what happened next.. I lost it.. blubbering idiot again…   Told my sweetie what happened… well.. you know what happened next… another blubbering idiot!!!

Friday night I had a little bit of peace…   funny, and yes I could be obsessed, weird, crazy dog lady.. or just call me a “UWDL” (Undeniable Weird Dog Lover) but like I said, I was kneeling down to sniff Franklin’s scent and say good night..  and what was lying on the carpet  to the left of his bed, right where his head usually pointed.. was a white feather!  If you know anything about the “white feathers when someone passes”  legend.. well, I instantly knew that my sweet boy was A-OKAY!!  He wasn’t hurting, he was having a good time and he was watching out for me.  I believe he sent a sign that he was okay and he was good with our decision.

Decision you ask?  Well… after Maggie’s moment… on Friday morning.. I called the breeder in Sarnia.  We ended up going on a road trip on Monday morning.  Yup.. we will have a new addition to the family in mid-June.   I am NOT replacing Franklin, no one can.  I know that some people will raise an eyebrow and think.. “oh, so soon for a pup!” and others, like my boss will ask… “what took you so long?”  We are dog people.. always will be and I believe that Maggie needs another pack member.. she is not meant to be a lone dog.  She can help train this one.. she is very motherly.. constantly licked Diesel’s and Franklin’s faces when they were here.. .  So we will take this slow..  hopefully she will accept him.. and get a bit of a sparkle back in her eye..  Someone once told me here in one of the posts that puppies bring happiness….

So.. ladies, gents, and tripawds….   Meet Winston……


P1110421 pup 1 pup 4


Author: Christine

I'm Canadian eh? living in Southwestern Ontario. My crew consists of my sweetie Fred, my son (25yrs) and my daughter (22yrs) as well as our 4 legged kids, Maggie (12yrs) and Wilson (1year). Franklin was my sweet boy who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in September 2012. His leg was amputated on December 4, 2012. He was the cutest tripawd on this planet. He was happy every day. His tail was always wagging. Lung Mets took him from us on May 15, 2013. Rainbow bridge became a happier place with his arrival. We miss him terribly everyday. We lost our kitty in September 2012. Diesel, who was 18 1/2 years old when he passed at home, was (and still is) the Godfather. He is missed terribly by all. They are curled up together sleeping at the bridge under the stars, happy to be sleeping buddies again.

9 thoughts on “Next Step?”

  1. omg I have a huge smile on my face right now. I know this does not in any way replace franklin and I know every family is completely different, but I am one of those that thinks having a new baby in the house brings a lot of much needed joy that Franklin would want you to have. Look at that little puppy. Franklin is smiling down on you, layin in his bed with Diesel, both of them happy that you will be brought some comfort by this new bundle of joy. They both know they could NEVER be replaced.

    All my love,

  2. Excellent post- Franklin is indeed watching over you in many ways. Winston is just too ridiculously cute to discuss!
    After my tri-pug Maggie passed I adopted a rescue pug about 5 weeks later. Too soon? Who knows, but Tani was as lost as your Maggie.
    Congrats on the new addition, although I believe that you are insane by starting with a puppy again : ).


  3. Is is possible to cry & have a smile. Because I do. I know what you are saying Christine about not replacing no one can. You need something to help you grieve. Sometimes having that little baby will help give you a little more to smile about. Franklin & Diesel know you will never replace then. They each have a special place in your heart. You know your pack & what your heart needs. Maggie will be glad to have a new little brother. Welcome to the pack Winston.

    Michelle & Sassy.

  4. For about a month after Dakota died, Evelyn was lost at bedtime. She would wander in the bedroom and not know what to do. In the past, Dakota would go to bed first and then she’d go lay beside him. They had 2 big beds pushed together. On her own, she acted like she didn’t know how to go to bed. Several nights I found her in the bathroom asleep between the vanity and the toilet. She was lost. Things improved, though, and she found her groove.

    Only you can say whether or not a new pack member is right for you; nobody else has the right. I am really happy that you listened to your heart, though, instead of wondering if it was too soon. It was just the right time for you guys, and that’s all that matters. Winston is adorable, and he has a lot of people here who will wait for updates on how he is doing. Make sure to post lots of pictures!


  5. Oooooooh! Winston! Love it! The only one who knows when it’s ready to get a new pup is yourself. It can take months or years before one is ready to add to the family, while others add to the family before we’ve said goodbye. Either way, I’m thrilled you got to this point and are happy about it! Excited even! Meggie is going to love having a new buddy around. Congrats.

    Again, reading your story made me choke up. Smelling their smell, lingering. It’s not just fair. It’s not OK for them to be here, everywhere, and then suddenly it’s empty. I almost wish that toward the end someone would come by, take your pooch for an increasing number of hours so that when the final day approaches, well…I ramble. I ache for you. But, that feather or whatever you have that tells you he’s OK is precious. He IS ok! He’s better than ever, waiting for you.
    ~ Katy

  6. Oh of course you’re not replacing him! We all know that. Everyone has the right time for bringing another kid into the family, and it looks like the stars aligned for you and Winston. What a lucky pup! He is ADORABLE.

    There will be times when missing Franklin will hit you like a ton of bricks, and other times when you will smile and remember your life together with happiness. It just takes time. You’ll get there. Especially with some puppy kisses to help dry the tears. Congratulations!

  7. Oh Christine and Fred and sweet Maggie

    Yes, we are all dog and/or cat people and your extended family that understands like other. We’ve been briefing with you but know there is nothing anyone can do or say….as time and Franklin’s infinite love are the only things that heal.

    Christine, every time I see you on the site supporting others, I just want to reach through this machine and hug your compassionate, caring heart!!

    I read somewhere a “letter” from a dog to his owner. It was all g the lines of the beloved dog wanted..and expected is owner to grieve for him. But the dog wanted to have a time frame and then he wanted nothing but the loving halt times to flood his memory. The dog said that he knew he was loved and that was all that ever mattered..

    The dog implored is owner to get another dog whenever he was ready. Because if he didn’t get another dog, then he felt like he failed as his best friend. Because if he really did a “good job”, the owner would not be able to live without another dog:-) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Frank n’ Farter definitely had a paw in picking out Winston!! DEFINITELY:-) 🙂 🙂 You wanted another dog because Frank did such a great job…and be knows it:-) 🙂 🙂

    Maggie will teach Winston all the necessary “tricks of the trade” that she and Frank used to train YOU so well:-) 🙂

    Like Michelle said…can you cry and laugh at the same time?? I think this site wrote the book on how to do that:-) 🙂

    Surrounding you with thousands of white fluffy feathers all falling gently from all the pillow fights Frank’s having with all the tripawds in heaven:-) 🙂

    Oh yeah, you’ll know which feathers Frank sent on down….they have his SCENT…..the old Frank n’ FARTER poot toot scet:-) 🙂

    Much love to you all, Sally and Happy Hannah

  8. Christine – Winston is adorable and I’m sure Franklin is so happy to have a new little brother to watch over. I, too, am someone who brings a puppy home shortly after a loss. They just seem to help my heart heal. I have a soft spot for springers and your pics bring a tear to my eye for my Zeke.

    How special that Franklin sent you a message, but he was special as we all know. He wanted you to know how great everything is.

    Thinking of you during this very hard time and let your tears help you heal.

  9. The right time is… the right time and it is different for everyone.

    I love the feather sign that Franklin sent you. When we adopted Ruby I was still grieving pretty heavily and thought it was still too soon for me but I had such a strong calling for her that I couldn’t ignore it. And on the day I met her I got 2 amazing signs that told me Magnum was not just OK with it but probably had a hand in choosing Ruby for me.

    Welcome Winston


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