Supporting.. a great cause…

You know.. if it hadn’t been for Franklin.. and that damn cancer.. I would never have ever found this site.. nor chatted to the people here…   so I guess you could say.. it’s all Franklin’s fault!!!  lol  Way to go dude!!  So.. I figured I have received so much support from this site and those that are involved here… that I would give something back!  So I became a supporter… in Franklin’s memory… and what a great memory it is!!

I haven’t blogged alot lately because I have beeen busy at home and not on the computer much.. I have tried to get into the chat room occassionally at night time.. but there are times where I just find myself tired.. and prefer not to sit in front of the computer.  Last night I went into the chat room on my iPhone.. yea… won’t do that again.. lol  stupid little screen.. I had a headache afterwards.. lol  The last few blogs have had some great pictures.. you really should check out the one with Christmas where I posted all the pictures of Franklin every year in front of the tree….   makes me smile… and miss him.  :O)

Our pack is good.. as good as we can be.. Wilson is a smart dawg…  and a velcro dog.. loves to chase basicballs and that has been our latest exercising lately.  Kicking the ball around the meadow cause the trails have been icy and slippery…   he LOVES it!

basketball 1 basketball

Maggie.. is having complications with getting older of course… 

she has her good days and bad days…    and we are just going day by day… trying not to get frustrated with her.  lol  The reason I get frustrated is that when we take her to the meadow to kick the ball around.. she decides that she has had enough after 5 minutes and takes the ball and walks back to the car with it.. through the parking lot!!!!  So the other night.. I put her in the car.. I figured.. if you don’t want to play anymore.. you can wait in the car.  Sounds simple right?  ummm.. yea.. she howled and barked for the whole 20 mintues I kept playing with Wilson.. lol

I’m a tough love pawrent at times… so I left her.. let her bark.. there was no one else around.. and then Wilson and I packed up and jumped in the car and went home.  Last night.. she did the same thing.. so I kept her on the leash beside me.  Tonight.. I think I just might leave her home..  *sigh*  I think her mind is going..   But she is still the most beautiful dog in Brantford!!! lol

I have been contacted about a rescue dog.. a Springer, female.. I believe she is about 4 years old..    A friend of mine works with a rescue and he messaged me on Facebook to see if I was interested.  One side of me says yes… Wison needs someone that he can run and burn energy with.. yet the other side says.. Maggie may not have a good time with it.. and she has priority right now.   Will have to think this one out.  It could play either way.. it could give Maggie time to chill and just be a beautiful old lady.. or she could have two younger dogs harassing her to play ball…  you just never know how it will turn out.

Anyhow.. I just left a message for the girl to call me to find out what the story is with the dogger… who knows.. she could fit in just fine..


Bark ‘atcha later!






Author: Christine

I'm Canadian eh? living in Southwestern Ontario. My crew consists of my sweetie Fred, my son (25yrs) and my daughter (22yrs) as well as our 4 legged kids, Maggie (12yrs) and Wilson (1year). Franklin was my sweet boy who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in September 2012. His leg was amputated on December 4, 2012. He was the cutest tripawd on this planet. He was happy every day. His tail was always wagging. Lung Mets took him from us on May 15, 2013. Rainbow bridge became a happier place with his arrival. We miss him terribly everyday. We lost our kitty in September 2012. Diesel, who was 18 1/2 years old when he passed at home, was (and still is) the Godfather. He is missed terribly by all. They are curled up together sleeping at the bridge under the stars, happy to be sleeping buddies again.

7 thoughts on “Supporting.. a great cause…”

  1. Wow thank you so very much for your caring and support Chris, it’s truly an honor. Tripawds will continue for many, many years thanks to your generosity and spreading the word like this!

    As for Maggie….well you are an amazing pawrent and I know that whatever comes next in her journey you have the strength and capability to handle it. If you are indeed looking at dementia, here’s an article I came across yesterday that may help:

    And another great book we reviewed a while back:

    I hope the new dog works out! What a lucky pup to win the lotto with your pack, looks like even more good times ahead. Keep us posted!

  2. Great update Chris. I know Maggie is doing ok, but it makes me sad that she’s slowing down. Reminds me of my B and all my worries about her and her aging. I am sure you will make the best decision for your pack about whether or not now is a good time to adopt another Springer.

    Hugs and belly rubs for everyone,
    Karma, Adelaide and the crew, and our angel Brendol

  3. Chris this is a great update. I am glad to hear things are going good. I am sorry to hear that Maggie is slowing down some. I understand what you mean about doing the best for Maggie. You will do the right thing for the pack as you know the dynamics.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  4. WILSON, ADORABLE AS USUAL! What a cutie pie!

    Awwwww, sweet Maggie! I love that she he grabs the ball so you can’t play with Wilson and takes it to the car! I don’t think that’s dementia at all!!:-) 🙂 And she doesn’t want to be separate from the pack because she worries about you so she barks! And she tires much more quickly so she has no choice but to pick up her ball and try to get you to stop playing with that young whipper snapper:-) 🙂

    Be easy on that sweet girl…aging “ain’t no picnic”!

    You’ll know “instinctively” if Frank n’ Farter is sending you a new pup and if it’s the right time or not. As Jerry said, any dog who comes i to yor home hits the lotto!

    Always love that picture of Fred and Franklin sitting side by side… nice.

    AND, it’s so nice, so very, very nice that you are helping support Tripawds. Of course, you make such a wonderful difference to everyone with your posts support. Love how you “make” stuff withnyour computer…hearts..”grins” with letters…quite creative indeed!

    Thanks for all you do Chris, in sooooooo many ways.

    Give a special hug to sweet Maggie for me okay? She sich a special girl. And, of course’ a hug to cutie Mr. Wilson!

    Hugs to yo!

    Sally and Happy Hannan

  5. Gee Chris- we are in the exact same place! My old lady pug Tani (my Maggie’s little sis) is 13.5, and my adopted boy is 7. Tani is a handful, and Obie needs more exercise. I’ve been contemplating another pug, but I’m afraid it wouldn’t work for Tani- she doesn’t like other dogs much (including Obie). But if Obie had a pal…
    I’ve never been lucky enough to have an old dog so I’m trying to enjoy every day with Tani, and deal with all her medical issues. But there is nothing wrong with her barker!


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